Monday, June 9, 2008

Bending My Question Slightly to the Right...

It occurs to me that my use of the word "decline" in reference to classical music may be slightly misleading. What I mean when I use this term is more focused on a rise of the importance of popular music -- a decline people place on their personal value of classical music due to the increased values people place on popular music more and more; I refer to the ratio of the importance of classical vs pop music. I will rethink the title of my topic...

Now that I'm reevaluating the nature of my topic, it occurs to me that I may be steering my thoughts toward a question I'm not really all that interested in. My main intent is to focus on opera in Berlin. Up until now I've figured that the easiest way to do that is by comparing it to other musical genres. But I realize now that I don't care about the other genres; I just want to research Berlin operas. I can't do a simple importance of opera comparison between Seattle and Berlin because, of course, Berlin places more value on all artistic and musical genres. I will think hard on this today, but at this point I think I may do a comparison of the interpretations in modern opera productions.

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